
Leaf Rustling

No, not the rustling sound of leaves - the, uh, PROCURING of leaves from various sources. Yes, as I tell everyone, most of the leaves I use DO come from our garden, but I do also like unusual leaves from plants that I don't have room for in my yard, such as Oakleaf Hydrangea and the Kalopanax tree. Or Okra. Or grapevines. The grape leaves that I cast

are pretty popular with the wine aficionados around here, so I made my semi annual trip to the local botanical garden which is only a few minutes down the street from me, and stocked up on grape and various other leaves. Hey, what are they gonna do - arrest me for pruning? Of course, it was not just for that; it was one of the last (and only) warm autumn days left, and I walked around and took pictures and said goodbye to Summer.   

The swans were enjoying the day - the tiny swanlet we had seen in July had become almost as large as its parents (I guess a baby swan is a cygnet. I think I like "swanlet" better!), and the trees were showing a lot of color. Plus I got some exercise!

I call this "Under The Kalopanax Tree". Artsy, huh?

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