
To Frou Frou Or Not To Frou Frou

My spousal unit and I have "discussions" all the time about decorations in our booth. Granted, considering all we have to transport (and really don't want to expand beyond our truck), there isn't a lot of room for extra frills. Of course, being a man, he sees no reason for it, but I know that I'm more attracted to a booth that has sparkles, a pretty cloth backdrop or flowers, as most women are. (I'm just making generalizations ~ some men are attracted to stuff like that too ~ heck, my dad collects dolls!). The only concession he has made encompasses some small leaves covered in glitter (craft store-after Xmas sale) that I hang around the signs and frame.

In the past year though, at indoor shows, we have decided to use our canopy frame in our space, since I'm getting to the point where I need the extra display space. Last Fall I purchased some garlands of red and yellow leaves to make the canopy look more like a gazebo, and surprisingly, I'm getting no complaints from my other half! I have since acquired some "Summer" garlands to use when we have the full canopy up at the outdoor shows. I guess because they're so lightweight (and can pretty much fit anywhere), it's not bothering him. I really think it makes a difference, though.

I have only one problem: I really get irritated when someone is looking at my work, compliments it, then points at one of the decorations (that cost me a few cents each) and asks, "How much is that?" (Seriously ~ that has happened several times!)
Note the glittery leaves on each side of the sign (Hmmm...note to self - I was going to look into something to stiffen that sign...)

 I really need to train myself to quote them a (high) price like they really ARE for sale without saying anything else. That would have one of two results: 1) if they're dumb enough to pay it, I make a profit or 2) they would realize how ridiculous that question really was! Hey, a win-win situation!

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